
Here are some patient testimonials of what they feel the benefits are, to them, in attending an appointment at The Dorchester Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic:

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Last October my wife broke her shoulder and had to have physio therapy we were recommended to use The Dorchester Physiotherapy and sports injury clinic She was treated by Sophie and within a very short time had virtually full movement restored Given the success in the treatment my wife received, I decided to make an appointment for myself as I have suffered with a bad back after surgery 10’yesrs ago and a frozen shoulder fir over two years . After just two visits with Sophie there is a marked improvement and I am delighted with the results I thoroughly recommend this practice. - Colin James (patient)

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Having suffered with lower back and neck problems for many years and having tried various Osteopaths and Chiropractors I started having treatment with Sophie Dorkings 4 years ago. This I have found to be very beneficial. Sophie is firm but always cheerful and considerate and has given me exercises to do at home which have been exceedingly helpful. I had a knee operation this year and when I went back for my post operative check the consultant was very pleased with how I had progressed thanks to Sophie's advice. I have no hesitation in recommending her to those who require physiotherapy treatment - Janet Bicheno (patient)

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I was extremely fortunate to have had the Dorchester Physio Practice highly recommended to me. The expertise, encouragement and kindness which Sam and Sophie have shown me is exceptional. - Jane Berry (patient)

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After several episodes of back pain, and subsequent physio sessions with Sophie, I joined her Pilates classes about 18 months ago. The groups are very small, so we have almost individual help and teaching, and Sophie always has her eye on us!! I feel safe and supported, and Sophie’s approach is very professional, yet at the same time, relaxed and good humoured. My back feels stronger, the episodes of pain are less frequent and I am more aware of my body in general and the importance of looking after it.

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I have been attending Dorchester Physiotherapy for acupuncture for my back and neck pain following a car accident last year. I have found that not only has it reduced my pain but my sleep is greatly improved. - T. Brown, 42

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Being retired and now having reached the age of 70, I find that regular Pilates classes are very important to my well being. They keep me fit and flexible and also help to keep any aches and pains under control. I love Pilates!

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As I get older, I still want to be as physically active, flexible & strong as possible and able to do whatever I want to do! Pilates makes this possible & it's particularly important to me to improve my posture & balance. It also makes me feel good, mentally & physically, at the end of the session & above all Sam makes it FUN!

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Pilates is the only way I can keep safely mobile as an older woman with osteoarthritis. I know the moves that we do are safe for me and I'm building confidence whilst progressing. Mobility is important but so is balance and posture. I'm a work in progress but I feel positive that I will continue to build on this each week.

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A very beneficial hour all-round. Mentally and physically good for you, keeps you supple as well as strengthening core muscles. Friendly and professional teachers who can adapt exercises to suit individuals. Make new friends.

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Pilates has been an opportunity to reduce pain, improve flexibility and exercise in a relaxed environment. Sam’s guidance has been excellent in encouraging, inspiring, and adjusting exercise to suit my individual abilities.

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Pilates has given my back the strength and support it needed to keep me fit and mobile. I have come to love Pilates for many reasons, including it becoming an hour a week of quiet mindfulness which is a bonus in a busy life. I love to travel and Pilates helps to rescue me if my back gets bad when I’m away from home. Twelve years in and Pilates is now part of my life.

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“Use it or lose it” is a mantra physiotherapists and doctors will often say to patients who are stiffening up or creaking badly. A weekly Pilates stretching session with a fully trained physio who pays attention to which part of you is not quite up to speed is invaluable.

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The Quiet Space room offers a lot of light and space for the small cheerful classes.

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An opportunity to stretch and strengthen the important bits, that normal day to day exercise may not reach!

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The exercises are tailored to specific injuries and needs and this focus enables speedier recovery.

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Has provided an opportunity to strengthen and stretch parts of our bodies that we didn’t realise were important, in a focused and safe environment.

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I have only attended Pilates lessons since retirement in 2013. It has always given me an hour in the week to concentrate on my body and understand it better. From this understanding and enabling me to use my muscles in a better way, I find I can face the world with less aches and pains. Also I have learned techniques to calm myself through the breathing techniques we are taught.

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Last year we moved house after 33 years - a very stressful and emotional time. I had to stop Pilates a month or so before the move due to the busyness of the situation and when we got ourselves settled in Dorchester it was one of the first things I wanted back in my life. Thanks to Sam and the Dorchester Physio I am finding my equilibrium again.

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It's an hour just for me, to concentrate on me and I always leave feeling better.

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Pilates for me means an hour of time where I can reset my physical and mental health and awareness of me as a person! It’s easy to forget in the general ‘ busyness’ of our daily lives that if we don’t take even a little time to look after ourselves then you cannot enjoy good health and be able to do the things you want or need to do like look after others!

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At this stage of my life with many aches and pains I believe Pilates helps me remain mobile. To do it with an empathic leader who nevertheless works us hard is a bonus.

To find out more about our services or to make an appointment, call us on 01305 250507 or email info@dorchesterphysio.co.uk

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